Location seed: the Inn of the Woeful Dog.

Annnnd blame this.

The Inn of the Woeful Dog

Whether or not this place (typically found in the better sort of ‘where the walls of reality are thin’ neighborhoods) qualifies as a ‘refuge’ or ‘trap’ depends on your point of view. Some more-or-less involuntary residents think it’s both. But if it is a trap, at least it’s not one with active malice behind it.

The basic feature of the Inn of the Woeful Dog is this: when you are on the premises, your supernatural qualities go away. You become a perfectly unremarkable baseline human being, whether or not you started out as one; the apparent age of formerly unaging or immortal beings will vary, but typically has a range of between 30 and 40. Leave the Inn, and all of your supernatural mojo comes back. You can be injured or killed by somebody else inside the Inn, which is why people check all their weapons by the door (supernatural weapons that are not self-aware lose their powers; supernatural ones that are… become baseline human beings) and you can only get a knife for your steak when you ask for one.

As you can imagine, most of the regulars put up with the restrictions on cutlery with good grace; the Inn often attracts entities who want at least a little relief from the supernatural taint, curse, or disadvantages following them around. Some regulars would, in fact, move in permanently, if the Innkeeper would only let them… and yes, there’s an Innkeeper. She’s apparently the only one immune to the effects of the Inn of the Woeful Dog.

So don’t make her cross.