Got some chili cooking up on the slow cooker…

…nothing elaborate. Browned ground beef, tomato sauce, vinegar, onions, garlic, cumin, chili powder, black beans, simmer for the morning and early afternoon and check around 1 PM or so. That’s when I’ll end up adding whatever else I end up adding, if people want to sing out about how horribly I’m maligning the Sacred Food.

3 thoughts on “Got some chili cooking up on the slow cooker…”

  1. A spoon or two of molasses can be nice, especially if the vinegar and cumin come on strong. Most chili is also good when served with a handful of Cheese-its(tm) on top.

    1. A small spoonful of bakers cocoa will hel the flavore blend in a bean stew like this. Also you need to add more salt.

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