Creature Seed: Torpedo Bees.

Torpedo Bees – Google Docs

Torpedo Bees

perdita floridensis diabolicus

[The Day After Ragnarok]
Prior to the Serpentfall, these Floridian bees were small, inoffensive, and were aquatic in their larval and pupal stage.  Being drowned under the obscenely mutagenic impact of tons of Serpent-tainted seawater has made their descendants much larger (6 to 8 inches), exceptionally aggressive, and fully amphibious.  A Torpedo Bee can fly at full speed in water and air.

Torpedo Bees are starting to expand their range, mostly due to short-sighted human intervention.  Torpedo Bee honey is a powerful hallucinogen that can serve as a base for an extremely powerful and addictive analgesic drug (“Serpent Jelly”); some cults and criminal organizations are even trying to domesticate the species.  Serpent Jelly is particularly popular among those already touched by the Serpent; addicts can be detected by their straining muscles (raise Might by 1), dull eyes (lower Smarts by 1), and faint smell of stagnant flowers. And knives. They all like to carry curved knives, for some reason.


Torpedo Bee

Treat as a Swarm (Savage Worlds, page 154) with the swarm ability and a special poisonous sting that inflicts Snakebit (Minor) for a week unless the victim rolls successfully against Vigor.

3 thoughts on “Creature Seed: Torpedo Bees.”

  1. Aaaaand now my ads are full of beekeeping equipment and swimming pool dive toys. Thanks, man.

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