So, a hard rain’s gonna fall on DC this weekend…

[UPDATE]: The rain has started.  But I have pot roast, and I have Madeira.  I believe that I shall be able to weather this storm.

…sufficiently so that my wife decided to work from home this morning.  I figure that we probably won’t lose power, but if I suddenly go dark here, it’s because a transformer blew up, or something.  Fortunately, we don’t live in a flood zone anymore, and isn’t dealing with that sort of thing fun, fun, fun?

One thought on “So, a hard rain’s gonna fall on DC this weekend…”

  1. ::does math::
    I’m on house 4.0, and .. it not only doesn’t have a basement, it is on the side of a hill. Flooding is impossible.
    House 1.0 didn’t have a basement, but was in a low lying area .. house was fine, but the streets would sometimes be a mess.
    House 2.0 and 3.0 had basements (because “yay, more storage!”) .. both flooded more than once. Conveniently, this meant less *stuff* to move to House 4.0 ..

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