FEMA and the Trolls – Google Docs
FEMA and the Trolls
Well, it’s like this. Supernatural creatures are real, all right? Most people can’t perceive them in this modern age, which suits most of those creatures just fine. Turns out that humanity is a pretty terrifying apex predator; and, contrary to popular belief, a werewolf or elemental or even vampire that tangles with humanity is going to pretty quickly run into a specimen that will send it home in a box. Best to just keep one’s nose-equivalent down and not cause trouble, right?
The situation would in fact run fairly smoothly — humans collectively hallucinating away the supernatural, while the supernatural resolutely doesn’t make waves — if it weren’t for natural disasters. Sirens are just as vulnerable as humans are to hurricanes, sasquatches aren’t immune to forest fires, vampires are frankly terrified of tornadoes, which is the real reason why they all live on the coasts; the list goes on and on. Since humans are only blind to the supernatural when it’s not getting in their faces, it then follows that having a natural disaster occur is an excellent way to boost cryptid encounters. And not the friendly kind, either.
Which is where FEMA comes in. Its field agents are absolutely checked in with the supernatural, and they have learned how to communicate with a wide range of sapient and near-sapient species, at least at a ‘calm them down’ level. Largely, it’s not a long-term problem, with one glaring exception: trolls. Trolls are big, they are not particularly sophisticated, and while the ones who ate humans all died long ago the survivors are still rather stubborn about living under bridges. Which would normally be fine, except that when a bridge is washed out the trolls simply have to move somewhere else until the bridge can be fixed.
So here’s the converted school bus. There are four trolls on it — a fairly standard family group — and we need you to drive them to this currently-empty bridge, several states over. Because it’s the closest one, that’s why. And because trolls are considered to be constituents by state and federal governments, that’s why. Constituents who perform a very useful national security duty by keeping an eye on our critical transportation infrastructure — what? No, that’s not a joke. There are reasons why you almost never hear of bridges being blown up in this country, and some examples of those reasons are currently taking a nap in that school bus.
So be polite. You probably would be able to take one in hand-to-hand combat, sure. But they have connections.
Do any of them spend lots of time on internet chat boards?
They wouldn’t last fifteen minutes.