NaNoWriMo, Day 25: 2064/42193.


This total might change today, but I got to a good stopping point and my wife and youngest have just gotten home.  We are just starting the final confrontations, because there’s a lot of people coming to this denouement party.  Hopefully it’ll all work out.  And then I just need to fill in some bits, and then we’ll have ourselves 50,000 words.

And that’s where the fun really starts.  Frozen Dreams will be no more polished and ready to go than The Case of Charles Dexter Ward was when they pulled it from HP Lovecraft’s posthumous files.  And, yes: I am precisely that arrogant.  This is news?

2 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo, Day 25: 2064/42193.”

    1. As I heard it, they stitched the book together after HPL’s death; it didn’t exist in a finished, polished form — or even as a good first draft. Ken Hite waxed most mightily wroth about that.

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