Tweet of the Day, You WILL Be Made To Buy Disney+ And Hulu edition.

Disney+ for the cute stuff, Hulu for the edgy stuff. Yeah: Disney now has a majority interest in Hulu. Welcome to the 21st century! Turns megacorps are gonna be a thing, after all.

It’s gonna happen, man. — Sayeth the guy with a blog and no film industry connections. But, seriously, obvious ploy is obvious, no?

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, You WILL Be Made To Buy Disney+ And Hulu edition.”

  1. Does this mean we are all going to start living in ecologys and referring to each other as wage slaves while we dream of Running the Shadows?

  2. They told me I ‘had’ to buy CBS all access or I couldn’t watch the new Star Trek. They were wrong. I don’t react well to extortion and am quite happy not to watch, and I’ve know Trek a lot longer than Marvel, so good luck with that.

    1. ..b’sides, “The Orville” recaptures some of the original ‘Star Trek’ subversive irreverence and is free.

      1. Seconded. The wife and I enjoy the Orville – although it’s incredibly frustrating how… Unmilitary it is at times. Beneath the surface it is a surprisingly conservative, or at least libertarian show.

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