The BIRDS OF PREY* Honest Trailer.

…Huh. Apparently the BIRDS OF PREY* movie didn’t… suck? I was getting one hell of a ‘this is gonna suck’ vibe of that flick, which is why I didn’t see it. But Honest Trailers didn’t rip it to shreds and stamp on the shreds.

Go figure.

Moe Lane

*I’m not bothering with that stupid subtitle, either.

3 thoughts on “The BIRDS OF PREY* Honest Trailer.”

  1. Weird. After the first weekend, it was like 10% positive audience rated. Now, it’s nearly 20%.
    Recent events have skewed the number of reviews to tickets sold ratio, but it still looks seriously out of proportion to the control group I glanced at.

  2. I was almost going to see it until I heard that the rest of the cast didn’t show until near the end of the movie. If it had been advertised as just a HQ movie there was a chance I might have gone. As movie marketing goes, it’s about par for WB DC movies.
    Still interested in WW 1984 though.

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