04/19/2020 Book/Kickstarter Report, FROZEN DREAMS.


It’s all mixed together at this point, honestly.

  • The FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter has 11 days left, and things are going well. 104 backers, $2358 pledged; we’re coming up on the audiobook stretch goal at $3,000, and I’ve learned a great deal for the next Kickstarter. Free tip: when calculating the relative profitability of tiers, deduct fees and taxes first. Makes a difference. Nothing really bad in my case, but it does make a difference.
  • Chapter 7 of the book is back from the copy-editor. So we’re about a third of the way through that process. Once that’s done and paid for, there’s only the ISBN numbers and prepping the book for its final Kindle form. And making sure that the print layout is good, too.
  • The sixth short story – well, novella – for the short story sampler is written, so I’m going to set up a few things to get them looked-over and critiqued.
  • Now that said sampler is full of its assigned content, I’ve started working on the RPG supplement adaptation/expansion. Right now I’m putting together the rules for creating characters: FROZEN DREAMS will not be a standalone RPG. It should be compatible enough with, say, Trail of Cthulhu, or the other Pelgrane Press GUMSHOE games, that all you’ll have to do is have a rulebook for one of those games and be good to go. That stuff will probably show up on the Patreon.
  • And now we wait to see what else I need to pay for. Art and layout for the RPG supplement, to be sure. Audiobook? Well, that’s up to the world at large.

It’s been an interesting trip. Thanks for coming along! …With the understanding that we’re only two-thirds of the way through at this point, though.

Moe Lane

PS: If you’re a backer: now is the best time to send people links to the Kickstarter and go Hey, this might be up your alley. Assuming that it would be for them, of course. I have discovered, to my mild shock, that not everybody cares about the long-term effects of their short-term actions.