Tweet of the Day, This May Cause Nosebleeds If You Look At It Too Long edition.

It’s just… I’ve had dreams like this. Fever dreams. And I imagine that there’s a lingering aroma that would eventually drive tenants mad. Not because it’s a bad smell, but because it was an incongruous one.

I’d not recommend the rest of the Twitter feed, mind you. But you probably knew that already.

10 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, This May Cause Nosebleeds If You Look At It Too Long edition.”

  1. It’s gotta be some kind of publicity stunt. Pretty much nobody wants a bedroom with double glass doors facing a busy parking lot.

  2. Heh.
    Imagine a Japanese bar catering to gaijin.
    Crossing this with parts of the Winchester mansion will get you close to the more banal examples.
    Best/worst example I have hazy memories of: it was roughly an 8’x8′ space you had to walk down a twisting staircase to get to, separated from the next space by a velvet curtain that was some sort of dark red. I was sitting on the purple plush tigerstripe loveseat. The coffee table was topped with a mosaic of white tile bits that didn’t depict anything, but looked like they *should*. The light fixture was an old becrystalled chandelier with black light lightbulbs. The walls were decorated with leering uranium glass clown heads. (There was more, but I mostly remember swearing off habu sake. And wondering if someone had slipped me psychedelics. I did try to disbelieve the bill. I didn’t make my save.)

      1. You’ll want to look at the pictures. 😉
        Picture a big glass jar, with a venomous snake coiled inside, preserved by the alcohol. Interesting things happen to the neurotoxic venom as the solvent of ethyl alcohol breaks it down, and it becomes… Less overtly neurotoxic.
        Good times.
        A bit fuzzy, a bit surreal, but very relaxing.

  3. I misunderstood the tweet at first and thought they were saying someone squatted a bar closed by the lockdown… The decor made more sense that way I think.

      1. My first thought was post apocalyptic survival game. Fallout or State of Decay.
        Who wouldn’t want to have the comforting decor of a 1950’s diner to help ease the sting of the nuclear apocalypse?

  4. But where’s the kitchen?
    I’ll put up with a LOT if there’s still a full commercial kitchen in there….

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