FROZEN DREAMS is now live on Kindle (review request).

If people have been asking where to get FROZEN DREAMS, these links should work:

And I have a request that’s practically outright begging; if you’ve read the book, please go over to Amazon and give it an honest review. Every little bit helps when it comes to sales.

Yeah. This is a big day.

10 thoughts on “FROZEN DREAMS is now live on Kindle (review request).”

  1. That first review is by – objectively – an A$$hole.
    If you couldn’t be bothered to finish, shut the #uck up.
    My posted one below.

    Dragonlance ala Dashiell Hammett during a Canticle for Leibowitz

    Let’s see, If you like Sam Spade Stuff:

    Noir Detective and a Dead Dame? Check.
    First person narration , world-weary attitude of resignation? Check
    Hints of past and future Cases to be recounted later (if Moe knows what’s good for him? Check.

    And if you like fantasy adventure:

    Kings in castles and court intrigue? Check.
    Multiple races in queasy alliance? check.
    Evil Evil Evil Mages? Check.

    And for the post-apocalypse brigade:

    Rebuilding world centuries after an Incident? Check.
    Familiar places repurposed and maps redrawn? Check.
    Oddly remembered or corrupted Lore of what once was? Check.

    Throw em all together and you get a quick, breezy read that hints at a larger world without leaving gaping holes that halt the plot. The only thing missing is a couple dozen short stories or a few more volumes in the same ‘verse to entertain me some more right now.

    1. I wasn’t gonna bring it up, but: dude didn’t buy the book. Everything he talked about could have been read from the first two chapters I put online, it’s his only review, and if he backed the project it was under a pseudonym. It’s gratifying to know that there are still people out there who dislike me, really. Makes me feel my life wasn’t wasted.

      1. It looks like the review was removed, too; at least, when I click on the 2-star link, it says there’s no reviews that match my selection. All I can see is Bensdads’s

        1. Huh. Well, if anybody did anything, it wasn’t *me* that did it. I knew going in that somebody might have a grudge; I have pissed off a lot of people over the years, and most of them I’d piss off again, given the opportunity. Part of the price of doing business, so why whine about it?

  2. I will put a review up once I have a chance to organize it and edit it (might be a day or two – work today is Classic Monday SHTF, so I can’t focus on the review as much as I’d like).

  3. Wrote a quick little blurb but it appears that the reviews are under some sort of moderation — that negative review disappeared and it said mine may not appear for a couple of days.

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