8 thoughts on “Patreon not-Microfiction: Terry.”

  1. I find it odd that I respond this way, but I generally find your darker works to be better. I liked this one a lot.

    1. Thanks! The funny part is, I didn’t really think it was all that dark. As the narrator itself would point out, he wasn’t up here to start anything.

  2. This may be your best this year, but IMO your best ever was your Batman story after Adam West passed away.
    Pitch and tone…perfect. I can’t seem to find the story in your archive, though.

    Speaking (generally) of which, there’s a documentary about the Animated Series that is worth the time:

      1. I’m probably not using the right keywords.
        That story really was right on.

  3. I’ve missed your In Nomine work — this was definitely right up there with your best stuff!

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