Honest Trailers didn’t love NATIONAL TREASURE the way I loved NATIONAL TREASURE…

…but then, I have a specific reason (which I think I’ve mentioned before) for loving NATIONAL TREASURE: to me, it is the perfect example of a tabletop RPG campaign brought to life. Everything about it is spot-on, from the faintly ridiculous yet thought-out characters to the absolutely absurd, yet compelling plot. There’s even one scene where I can hear the dice when two of the PCs flunk their History (American) rolls and the third one somehow manages to crit a straight IQ check. I know that this isn’t actually Jerry’s Saturday game brought to the screen, but I don’t really care. It’s fun anyway.

2 thoughts on “The NATIONAL TREASURE Honest Trailer.”

  1. I hear they’re still working on the script for 3.

    My silly notion: someone involved with cataloguing the original Treasure under Manhattan finds, years into the process, a document that claims that the discovered treasure is actually only 1/10th of the entire Treasure, and further goes on with a list of what seem to be clues. This then leaks out onto the ‘net, and every Tom, Dick, and Karen that think they’re a treasure hunter are getting in the way of our heroes as they search. Basically, I’m ripping off the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators book where this guy’s will lays out clues that turn out to be written in Cockney rhyming slang, and I read that book in junior high school and don’t remember a lot more about it.

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