Ehh. I liked VENOM: THE LAST DANCE. The trick was not to take it seriously for a minute. Usually Honest Trailers gets that… again, ehh.
Ehh. I liked VENOM: THE LAST DANCE. The trick was not to take it seriously for a minute. Usually Honest Trailers gets that… again, ehh.
I’m almost tempted to watch this now. I resisted SPEED RACER at the time because the Matrix movies didn’t so much go downhill after the first one as they fell out of orbit. Heck, I was Team Why Aren’t The AIs Using Cows? even during the first film. But maybe this isn’t so bad? It’s got a good cast, at least.
Wow, that was brutal. I skipped THE FLASH; now I’m wondering whether or not to skip it completely. It does not look good.
I dunno if they liked GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 3 or not. I did, but I was going to. It was a good time. (Note: it’s not out on DVD or Disney+ yet.)
They approved. So did I.
We now know why SNAKES ON A PLANE was made. It was so that Honest Trailers could do this video, years later. That, and only that.
…Well, at least the project paid off with some kind of art.
Honest Trailers didn’t love NATIONAL TREASURE the way I loved NATIONAL TREASURE…
I think that they had the right idea, here. Just hack away everything that wasn’t the first Halloween — ah, the first-first Halloween movie — and go on from there. Continuity? Heh. Slasher movies, my friends: slasher movies. Call it an ‘alternate timeline’ if you like, and go on from there.
Besides, I hear that the suddenly-only sequel is pretty good. That makes it easier to get away with this sort of thing.
This is… well.
AI still has a way to go, huh? This Honest Trailer is very interesting to watch, because it never makes sense, and yet it almost comes close to approaching making sense at some point. It’s like watching the show when you’re dreaming. And have a mild fever.