Day 5, TINSEL RAIN NaNoWriMo: 12938/60000.

Lonnnnng day and I technically went over but I can fix the timestamps on that because it’s my blog, so there. Over 21% done already! That sounds a little off, but then I was writing stuff before the month started.

Igor had opened the letters first, because he always saved the packages for last. As he explained, he liked having extra time to prepare. Graciella looked at him oddly at that. “Why?” she asked.

“This is a coroner’s office, Miss,” Igor said. “Imagine what kind of things we get in the mail.”

The letters weren’t anything special, at least to me. They didn’t feel nasty, either. But one of the packages… I pointed to it without touching it. “Open that one first, Igor.”

“Wait, why me?”

“Because it smells bad, and it’s addressed to you,” I said. “It’s your evil mail, not mine.”

“True,” he said, and ripped open the package with an obsidian blade knife. I figured that was overkill — if there was still bad magic to spare, those corpses would be reanimating again — but as I said; it was his evil mail. If Igor wanted to be extra-careful, fair enough.