I figure MMORPG.com sorta gets it, but Bloomberg sure doesn’t: the latter is just a little bit exercised about the fact that CD Projekt Red is handing out fairly hefty manager bonuses, based on the profits accrued from CYBERPUNK 2077. Then again, Bloomberg actually called that game “the video game industry’s biggest flop of 2020,” apparently because the website’s from an alternate dimension where the game didn’t move 13.7 million units in December and the company paid out a dividend. They also profit-shared with the rest of the company, too.
I was gonna be all, Look, we get it — but then I remembered that I hate it when people tell me what I’m really thinking. Suffice it to say I’m not surprised that a company having its best sales year ever spread it around, and I’m not particularly upset that management got a nice hunk of that. Just as long as they get cracking on the new DLC.
I heartily endorse dunking on anything Bloomberg at every opportunity.
Oh, I’m still dunking. In my heart.
This is, in my humble opinion, a good default approach to any analysis from Bloomberg.