Do understand: I am not sorry that they made JURASSIC WORLD: DOMINION. I pretty much like all of the people acting in it, so I have no qualms about them getting paid large sums of other people’s money to be in this movie. Grab a bucket when it’s raining soup, is my motto.
But… surely the Jurassic Park universe has heard of depleted uranium rounds, yes? Or even elephant guns. Semtex. The A-10 Warthog. Hell, put a T-Rex up against an Abrams tank in a shoving match and the tank wins, because it weights sixty tons to the T-Rex’s eight. And as for the sea dinosaurs, two words: hydrostatic shock. I’m missing why this isn’t being resolved very, very quickly.
I know, I know: just watch the movie, Moe. I dunno why this bugs me so. It just does, okay?
Sure it look cool, but by all appearances these dinosaurs have neither fur nor an insulating layer of blubber/fat. They should not be running about in the snow; frozen winter should kill them dead.
A war between humans and dinosaurs? Sorry, dinos, but we humans are the most prolific killers ever to inhabit the Earth. Also, it’s likely that the atmosphere was far denser in your time, which means you poor suckers won’t even be able to stand up, much less fight.
C’mon, guys. We put the Prime in Primate. You don’t stand a chance.
Not exactly as though they have the excuse of dinosaur attacks being a surprise anymore either so it’s not as though they shouldn’t have reasonable countermeasures in place.