Good first day for the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter!

TINSEL RAIN Funded on the first day! Which is excellent. I have some small hope that it’ll hit a grand by the 24 hour mark, but really: anything above the funding point is gravy. That being said, I’m also doing stretch goals:

  • First (two) Day(s) RewardThe Lunacy Sampler! I’ve been writing horror stories set in the first days of the Fermi Resolution. Specifically, I’ve been writing horror stories set on the moon in those first days, and I think they’re pretty good. Anybody who backs this project today and tomorrow will get a e-sampler (.mobi, .epub, and .pdf) of at least 3 stories, including one written specifically for this Kickstarter. Should we hit the $2400 stretch goal (see below), first and second day backers will instead get all the digital art and maps I’ve ever commissioned for the Fermi Resolution books and RPG.
  •  $1200Remember to tip Your Artist! The cover was done by the talented and general Good Egg Shaenon Garrity, and I paid her more this time. If we hit this stretch goal, she’ll get paid a little more still.
    $2400The Lunacy Sampler! This is identical to the First Days Reward above. If we hit this, First Days backers get the art, as mentioned above.
  •  $4500: …TO BE ANNOUNCED! 

The $4500 one is pretty cool, btw. Not to mention, something that people will probably ask about. But I want to get to the halfway point to it before I get people’s hopes up.

Thanks to everyone who backed. Or who will back. Or who just reads the site, really.