I normally would say that Elden Ring ‘looks fun,’ except that as I understand it there’s no quest log. A videogame without a quest log is by personal definition pretty much not-fun. In fact, it sounds like something that I’d be forced to play in Hell. But people keep raving about the game. Is it still worth it, even if I have to write everything down*?
Moe Lane
*I do not begrudge the developers their right to create a game that fits their vision of play. But if it doesn’t fit mine then I don’t have to play it, right?
If you like the constant threat of failure, and want to experience it for hundreds of hours, then Elden Ring is the game for you. I know a guy who spent three hours losing to the very first boss,and it hasn’t gotten any easier for him. I got my fill of From soft with Dark Souls 2. I’ll pass.
If you enjoy exploring, souls style melee combat, souls style difficulty, beautiful vistas and enemy designs, it’s the game for you.
YMMV, but I’ve had little trouble keeping quests going in my head. There are usually people you can go back and talk to for some hint or an item involved in the quest that has info in its description that points the way. Sometimes, it’s best to not focus on a quest too hard as you usually just need to go exploring and you’ll happen upon something involved as a result.
Ugg, I hate fine-tuning builds. Houses, sure. Builds, not so much. 🙂
The moment to moment exploration, combat and player/weapon/magic upgrading and tuning will more than keep you busy as you explore around. that’s the meat, there’s actually relatively few “quests” to worry about.
It looks like you’re looking for reasons to not play this thing. So… don’t. Just don’t. Failure to consume this or that bit of media isn’t going to significantly diminish your life, and if you decide to change your mind in 2-5 years, it’ll be cheaper when you do.
Fair, but it took me a while to get into Skyrim, and I should’ve done that earlier. 🙂
It’s a Souls game. By now, you know whether it not you like them.
(For the record, I don’t. I like the concept, but the execution leaves me cold. Too much arbitrariness, and too much “GM is a cock” artificial difficulty. I’m cool with “defend within a small window”, but not with moving that window around based on a dozen or more invisible variables. I like challenges, but not metagame BS like “the oblivious guard is standing juuuust outside the aggro radius of a hidden monster” or “the mob is hidden on the other side of the doorway with his club raised. He will always win initiative, and never be surprised”. Or “push Y and A on your controller simultaneously to execute this very necessary move “. Screw that. I get enough unfairness in everyday life.)