03/13/2022 Snippet, THE DECALOGUE KILLER.

Back to the story!

After a solid eight hours of wandering the city – and an hour in-between to drink lunch – I went back to the Messenger with a light step. I had enough material for two man-on-the-street articles about the Killer, and leads on a half-dozen other stories. Serial killers may take over the front page when they show up, but you can’t run the same story forever. There’s no resting on my weary laurels in this world.

Unfortunately, when I got to my desk my boss was already there; from the way she was leaning back in my seat, she’d been there for a while. Gloria didn’t even look mad for having to wait, which worried me. When a head editor has that cheerful a grin on, it means one of two things: either a horse had come in at twenty to one, or she was about to put the boot in. And the racetrack was closed today.

“Joe!” Great, even her voice was chipper. “Glad I caught you before you went home for the night.”