20% done already! Huzzah! …I’m gonna need that buffer, later.
The guys with the old books say a sonic boom is when the air gets shoved out of the way from something moving really fast. I mean, really-really fast, even by Old American standards. The Lore says a sonic boom rattles your walls, breaks your windows, and makes you spill coffee all over yourself. So… maybe it was a sonic boom, and maybe it wasn’t? The windows were down and I had finished my coffee, so I couldn’t tell that way. It was loud as hell, though, and the stage absolutely rattled.
None of that woke up Lucas, because his eyes snapped open the moment the sudden wind pushed through the open window. By the time the stage stopped rocking on its sides he was already ready. For what? I dunno: whaddya got?
“The stage isn’t stopping,” Lucas noted, his head tilted slightly. “We’re still on the road, too. That’s good.”
“Ain’t much room out there for anything except cabbages, Lucas,” I retorted, slipping on my brass knuckles. “Before you ask, I didn’t see anything. Whatever it was, it was right above us.”
“Crap. What kind of monsters you got down here? Anything that can fly?”
“Just atotolins, these days. They don’t go zoom!”