New character!
“Jones… let me get her jacket. Bernice, right?” Greg noted that for this the Chief used a regular old mechanical gear-file, reading the clicking buttons like they were regular English. “Let’s see… says here she’s got a background in applied interpersonal theory and directed involuntary admissions, as well as plain old kinetic expression. Sounds like just what you’d need.”
“I can talk to people too, Chief,” Greg replied mildly. “Although I wouldn’t mind a specialist along. What kind of kinetics? Fist, stick, or blade?”
“Stick, with a note attached. She likes hitting bad people. A lot. Keep that in mind, Greg.”
“So, I can have her along, then?”
“You said it, yourself: Jones checks out and she can disappear for a while. I’d give you an entire exorcist platoon if I thought I could get one prepped in time.” Ibrahim looked at him, all humor gone from his face. “I feel like we walked into this play at the start of Act II, Greg. We need to get caught up on the plot, and right away.”
“Understood, Chief.” Greg stood up, and formally put his right fist on his heart. “No gods but ours, sir.”
Ibrahim returned the salute. “No gods but ours.”