Posting is gonna be horked today.

Nothing horrible, but my youngest has been down with something all week, and I gotta take him to the pediatrician (schools get antsy about that, these days). I think that when I was his age the same set of symptoms would have meant a single day home sick, but that was changing even before Covid. I don’t even disagree with the switch in attitudes, really. I might have gotten fewer colds if kids were expected to stay home when they were hacking up a lung*.

But it does change your daily routine.

Moe Lane

*He is not actually hacking up a lung.

2 thoughts on “Posting is gonna be horked today.”

    1. He’s already feeling better. Turns out it was just a particularly stubborn cold. Which I figured, but when you lose a week of school, they like to have a doctor’s note…

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