THE PENGUIN series Teaser trailer.

THE PENGUIN actually looks pretty good.

Then again, I liked THE CROWMAN quite a bit, so I would react well to this, wouldn’t I? It does look like it’d be fun, in a BATMAN: YEAR ONE sort of way. Although I wonder… will any superheroes show up in it? Guess we’ll find out!


One thought on “THE PENGUIN series Teaser trailer.”

  1. Whoa.
    Four things:
    1) Practical production effects in this look multiple times better than the Disney+ shows.
    2) Lots of actors I’ve loved in other genre shows, is it a coincidence they are Amazon shows and therefore more free agent than Marvel-owned performers?
    3) That “Kingpin” reference is a nice dig at Netflix which has dropped the ball on superhero shows, and Disney which has fumbled it after a passable start.
    4) This tempts me to drop other streaming services and try HBO+. How are their subscriber numbers doing?

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