I will be selling books at Stellar Con*!

This is going to be a two-day affair – October 7th and 8th, APGFCU Arena, Bel Air, MD – and I’m looking forward to it. Stellar Con ran a nice, tight ship last year (I can hardly blame them for my car breaking down afterward), and they’ve switched it from a single-day event in November to a two-day one in October, which suits me fine. They also didn’t raise the vendor fee through the roof to reflect the new multi-day nature of the event, which is very appreciated.

I’m hoping to have a good time. The plan is to get a hotel room, which will be nice. Not to mention, tax-deductable.

Moe Lane

PS: Fright Reads is the weekend before. Also now a two-day; also a fun place to sell books at.

PPS: Speaking of… buy mine!

*But not at Shore Leave, alas. Somebody said they’d get back to me, they never did, and at this point I’m thinking it’s too late to arrange for a table even if one did become available. It happens.