Tweet of the Day, I LIKE This Casting edition.

Nathan Fillion is a great choice, here. He does ‘cocky’ well, and there’s few heroes cockier than Guy Gardner. I’m having possibly good initial feelings about SUPERMAN: LEGACY.

Via @IMAO_.

2 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, I LIKE This Casting edition.”

  1. Good casting choice, but it looks like Guy is being used as a secondary character AT BEST, and mainly as a foil for Hawkgirl to display female empowerment against.

    Hard pass until my suspicions are proven wrong.
    And I won’t be holding my breath.

  2. Indeed, prior good will is all used up.

    Nathan has been broken on the wheel.

    The wife and I dutifully watched the first couple seasons of the Rookie, groaning along with the larded on politics but making a game of it – “look, the 27th episode in a row where no minorities in LA committed a crime” – but early in season three in the first 2 minutes of an episode Nate was sitting in a classroom and being lectured and harangued by the ‘community’. We turned it off and have never been tempted to check in again (in the same way we quit The Walking Dead mid episode several years ago).

    It’s his show, he’s the star and lead producer. He didn’t say no. Ergo, he agrees.

    No more money for him.

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