BARBIHEIMER is a go for Saturday.

No, sorry, my mind is made up. More to the point, the arrangements have been made. I will be dropped off and picked up on Saturday so that I can go watch BARBIE and OPPENHEIMER (actual order will be dependent on available seats that day). Why will I be dropped off and picked up, I hear you ask?

The answer is simple: because that way I can go to the bar across the side-street from the movie theater, and have more than one beer with my lunch. My wife feels that I could do with an afternoon off, you see. Since she is the smart one, I’m just going to have to go along with it. Shucks…

Moe Lane

PS: I don’t really care what they’re saying about either movie, honestly. Beer, remember? Besides, I went to see both DUNKIRK and LITTLE WOMEN in theaters, and liked them both, so I’m inclined to let the directors do their work.


4 thoughts on “BARBIHEIMER is a go for Saturday.”

  1. Hey, I’m not gonna tell you you can’t enjoy something. If Mrs Lane tells you to go drink beer, who are we to argue?

  2. Let’s just say I have….limited….my exposure to Barbie, but the few pieces I’ve seen have very “Brady Bunch Movie” vibes; i.e. all that stuff was real and normal to the characters but we see them as part of our world now. That’s not a bad thing, I very much liked the Brady Movie and it’s sequel, and I’d be more prone to see this if I knew it was like that.

    So I await your report. Do so faithfully, and true.

  3. Of the two, I’d rather watch the lauding of the commie stooge.

    But it would require a lot of beer.
    And a running commentary would result.

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