Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: I think that A24 threw this map together just as a framework to a movie about how much civil wars suck (which they do). The studio wants to use American images for that, which also makes sense from a thematic point of view. And I even understand why they’re breaking up the rebellious factions so that it’s not immediately partisan fodder. They took that into account.

What did they not take into account, though? Uniform Button Twitter.

Don’t bother looking it up, it’s a private joke. I have an alternate Civil War history horror novel in my head that I’m never, ever going to write, and it’s not because the timeline is going to involve Grant, Lee, Jackson, and Sherman on one side, and vampire lords on the other. I don’t give a tinker’s dam about anybody who’d start screaming about that, bluntly. I’m happy to have them mad about it.

But I do not want to mess with the “you got the uniform buttons wrong” crowd. They are relentless, they are obstinate, they… listen, and understand! They are out there! They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you fix the damn buttons!

Sorry. Classical reference.

…Anyway, this is the problem A24 has, going forward. People will focus on the backstory, and not the plot. The map will not help with getting those people to focus on the latter. The map, frankly, was a mistake. The map is like nails on the chalkboard to an entire class of Internet commentariat, and do not assume that I am not part of that class. I’m yelling about it now, ain’t I?

This is why you abstract this stuff, in other words. Not because of cowardice. It’s really just simple prudence.

Moe Lane


6 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, A24 Falls Victim To Button Twitter edition.”

  1. I just don’t see what the grey areas represent. Are there more than 2 sides in the war? If so, that makes for a complicated story that *could* work for a miniseries instead of a movie.
    If not, they need to go back to map school and make them light blue or something.

    1. Oh believe me, Cartographer Internet is also a faction with …. standards and opinions.

      But then if Hollywood had any competent GIS consultants, their market appeal of late wouldn’t have tanked so hard either.

  2. Regrettable as this map is… the actual maps from the time line that had a second ACW within the first half of the 2000s are.. worse.

    … in part because one of the first things that got thrown out when the shooting started were the ruler-straight lines on the maps.


  3. Huh. Looks like Texas and California seceded first, and possibly successfully? then you had the civil war spark when the Westerns and the Floridas tried to pull out.

  4. And Detroit is an anarchist utopia a la the Paris Commune? I mean it tracks and nobody is going to be very sad to see it go, but I don’t understand why that random tidbit is there.

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