The For Pure Spite’s Sake GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND 99 cent sale starts Monday.

Why spite? Because at first I was going to try and put GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND on other digital platforms besides Amazon’s. However, when I tried to put it on Barnes & Noble, I discovered that it would be impossible to do, as B&N simply doesn’t want any format that isn’t Word. …I am not going to spend money to rent the [expletive deleted]iest word processor program on the market today. I’m certainly not going to do it just to put my books on a platform that’s an afterthought in the e-book industry.

So… GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND will be on 99 cent Kindle sale, starting on Monday. B&N’s loss is your gain.


3 thoughts on “The For Pure Spite’s Sake GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND 99 cent sale starts Monday.”

  1. LibreOffice Writer (which is free) claims to be compatible with Word, and in my (very very limited) experience seems to be.

    I mostly use their spreadsheet app though.

    1. I don’t remember the details, but there was a Word-specific thing I needed to have in order to get the chapter headings to work right in B&N’s e-book uploader. I spent several hours trying to get around that before I gave up.

  2. Professional-grade layout programs from 15 years ago are outclassed by freeware, and you have to use Word?


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