2 thoughts on “I ask Settlers of Catan / Skyrim players: would you buy this?”

  1. Not so much.
    I don’t really “get” buying reskinned versions of games I already own.
    I’m also a bit fuzzy on how the themes of the two games are supposed to line up.
    I think it a novelty, but one that doesn’t really appeal to the core of either franchise. They’ll get some sales from the “must buy all the things” collectors, and some bought to be given as gifts by relatively clueless but well-meaning relatives and friends. Maybe it will introduce some Skyrim players to Settlers, or vice versa at the margins. But I really can’t imagine someone who’s already a fan of both games being too excited.

  2. I know some pretty fanatical Catan players out there. And if it had a few different rules or something [like the European version of Ticket to Ride] I’d think it could sell.

    I’m impressed by the amount of time and effort they put into it, and how close to professional results someone can get. If they used a home 3D printer instead of wood pieces for some of it, I’d think it had been published.

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