The Next Level Patreon Pledge Drive. (There’ll be free stuff.)

It is time to really push things to the next level, here.  Therefore, I have started an ongoing drive to get my Patreon up to the $200/month level.  And to do this, I have changed the pledge goals!  Now, at $200/month, patrons will get 500 words a week of the pulp SF serial “The Bold Marauder” that I’ve wanted to write for a while.

And, to sweeten the deal: every day that I receive a new pledge, I will commit to putting an installment of the serial up on Patreon for everybody to read.  So pledging not only benefits yourself; it benefits your fellow men and women, too.  You can’t not take advantage of this.

I’ve even gotten the (rewritten) Prologue and the beginning of Chapter 1 (which I apparently never put up anywhere) for people to look at.  Again, for free!  You’re just not going to get a better deal today, folks.

Prologue: here.

Beginning of Chapter 1: here.

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