Directed by Sam Raimi, if that wasn’t immediately obvious in the first twenty seconds.
Bear in mind that I am absolutely pumped to see Sam Raimi do this flick. I think that SPIDER-MAN 2 was the best of the Tobey Maguire flicks, and not coincidentally that was the one that allowed Raimi the most freedom to be, well, himself. And DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS simply had to let him work in some horror aesthetic. I mean, ‘Madness’ is in the title. You don’t do that unless you’re ready to bring in the creepy.
Gonna be fun! And trippy. Can’t wait.
Moe Lane
…and “…in the Multiverse of Madness” is just such a *blatant* “at the Mountains of Madness” reference.
Too bad they didn’t pull Guillermo Del Toro in. I wonder if they tried.
I must admit I far prefer Raimi to Del Toro and this film is starting to look really good to me.