Tweet of the Day, There Is A Certain Tortured Longing In The Last Panel edition. (Language warning)

I suspect, however, that it will never happen while we will be here to see it. Maybe in my childrens’ time. Or their childrens’ time.

5 thoughts on “Tweet of the Day, There Is A Certain Tortured Longing In The Last Panel edition. (Language warning)”

  1. I wouldn’t quite rule it out, but they’d have to throw a _lot_ of the last ten years’ (ten years! how has it been that long?) of stuff right in the garbage to canonize anything like the original version of Heir to the Empire. And I think that would be too much like an admission of failure for a bunch of the people involved.

    1. They quite publicly threw the EU books in the dumpster and lit it on fire. No walking that one back unless the current “people involved” are tossed in themselves.

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