The ‘Trying VERY hard’ STAR WARS: AHSOKA trailer.

Nah, they’re not worried about the franchise at all. Nope. Not them, nosireebob. STAR WARS: AHOSKA is plugged into the animated shows (and as much of the EU as they have adapters for) for completely different reasons.

One thought on “The ‘Trying VERY hard’ STAR WARS: AHSOKA trailer.”

  1. Curious to see what kind of preemptive strike on fans the marketing team will do. If it’s like Kenobi, I’m less inclined to watch.

    Sabine is my favorite Rebels character and I’d like to see her done right in live action, but not if I have to listen to Marxist cant first.

    If it’s more like Andor (basic marketing, no targeted abuse) then I’m in.

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