The ‘Buy Moe DA:O Awakenings’ Cheeky Fundraising Post.

Having just pointed out a worthy cause to throw money at, allow me to suggest a more or less unworthy one: to wit, making it possible for me to acquire Dragon Age: Origins Awakening with all indecent speed. It’s now on the Wish List, and the button below will go to my own (unworthy) bank account.

Hey, what do you want me to do? Lie?

5 thoughts on “The ‘Buy Moe DA:O Awakenings’ Cheeky Fundraising Post.”

  1. Suggestion: You should absolutely start doing full reviews of games you play.

    I know, double scoop of free ice cream… but it draws traffic of a more ad-lucrative type of audience, and could get you free stuff if your reviews start to build a following.

  2. Hey, if you want to convince Breitbart to fund Big Gaming, I’ll be right there with you reviewing games from the right. 🙂

  3. Moe, I know “The Fuller Memorandum” isn’t due until later this year. In the meantime, you can read further adventures of Bob Howard in 2 short stories: Here’s the TV Tropes link that contains links to both stories “Down on the Farm” and “Overtime” . Hope that will tie you over until “The Fuller Memorandum” comes out.

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