[Occupy DC press flack Kevin] Zeese* says the Tea Party lost momentum and power when it got into elections and pushing candidates. If one of their elected candidates sold out, they’re not strong enough to do much about it. He explained that the Occupy movement is years from engaging in electoral politics. “My guess is this is a multi-year movement to shift power,” he said. “That’s going to take a 10-year effort.”
Are you now pounding your head against the nearest wall?
If the answer is ‘no,’ then… just keep doing what you’re doing, boychik. Thanks!
Moe LanePS: If the answer is yes, then…
*Jew-hater. Of course. Also of course that the Huffington Post declines to tell its readership about that minor detail.
So you’re an organization protesting in an effort to reform the basic structure of our society and you have no plans to attempt to elect those that have the most direct influence on the structure of our society?
To rip off a beer commercial…”BRILLIANT!”
“Occupy DC press flack Kevin] Zeese* says the Tea Party lost momentum and power when it got into elections and pushing candidates. If one of their elected candidates sold out, they’re not strong enough to do much about it…”
To be fair, there’s probably a few of the more…hyperactive Tea Party groups who think Mr. Zeese has them pegged.
However, this statement is also a blatant admission that the Occupiers would much, much rather have that enemy Republican in the White House than have to do the dirty work of organizing for THIS election. To which I would say: Be careful what you wish for, Mr. Zeese.
They don’t want to win elections. They want to win a revolution. That they would not win a revolution — that they DON’T EVEN HAVE THE SUPPORT TO START ONE — does not seem to sink in.
That Zeese is promoting/chummy with Holocaust deniers Mearsheimer & Walt should be enough for any sane person to dismiss all of this. Although, as Ace says, it’s not so much the deniers that concern me, it’s the holocaust enthusiasts . . .