(Today’s writer: S.M. Stirling)
A lot of people love to hate this particular author – and, given his remarkable lack of suffer-fools-gladly, even by the standards of a genre where it’s practically a prerequisite for writing in it, it’s not entirely surprising – but it still remains true that Stirling’s a crackerjack writer. For this one, I’m just going to toss out a few authors & topics: if you’re already interested in any of them, check out the book associated with it.
- George MacDonald Fraser
: The Peshawar Lancers
- The Southern Agrarians
: Conquistador
- Patrick O’Brian
: Island in the Sea of Time
and sequels
- Edgar Rice Burroughs
: The Sky People
and In the Courts of the Crimson Kings
That should get you started: fair warning; all of those are alternate history. I’m fond of the genre, you understand.