Quote of the Day, *We’ve* Been Saying This For Years edition.

Now we have Senators saying this.  Folks, I give you Senator Ted Cruz:

You cannot win a battle against radical Islamic terrorism if you’re unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’

Likewise, you cannot hope to fight it out in the court of public opinion if you have nobody who is there to state yours. Anybody here think that former Senator Hutchinson – and I don’t particularly wish to pile on her over this – would have made the case as well? Or possibly even at all?

Elections have consequences.

6 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, *We’ve* Been Saying This For Years edition.”

  1. Yep.
    Same as why this is true… http://moelane.com/2014/02/18/france-anti-semitism-fascism/
    We are prepared, as Americans, to call anti-semitism what it is, the Euros are too eager to push the ugly under the PC rug.
    Same on racism, we made the terrorist KKK wing of the Democrat party into laughingstocks and punchlines ..
    Hiding behind PC language does not solve anything, it just lets the rot fester.

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