Quote of the Day, I WANT TO BELIEVE edition. (Guardians of the Galaxy)

I really want this movie not to suck. From Thom Dunn’s Tor.com review of Guardians of the Galaxy:

But if you’re anything like me, and somehow haven’t gotten sick of the ironic juxtaposition of 70s pop music set against the backdrop of a technicolor Mos Eisley, I’m here to tell you that Guardian’s of the Galaxy is the greatest remake of Footloose that you will likely ever see.

I really, really, really want this movie not to suck.  For both noble and ignoble reasons.  The thought of Hollywood being just the slightest bit scared of Marvel amuses me.

Moe Lane

13 thoughts on “Quote of the Day, I WANT TO BELIEVE edition. (Guardians of the Galaxy)”

  1. Just saw it with my thirteen year old son and we both had a great time. BigGator is right, the post credit tease was awesome even if it did require me to explain comic book history to my son. Man do I feel old…

  2. One of my daughters is turning 6 on Saturday, and she reallyreallyreally wants me to take her to see it.
    I’ve explained that it’s probably too scary for her, but she isn’t buying it.
    Of course, I want to see it. And it would be nice to see it with someone…
    (My wife already informed me that it will be a cold day in hell before she watches it.)
    The kids is starting to wear me down.

    1. It isn’t scary, per say, but your 6-year-old will be overwhelmed. It is rated PG-13 for a reason. I am just saying, some language and immature humor warning is advised.

  3. Saw it last night. Really good. I want to see it again. End credit scene was great.

  4. Well… I reckon there is a movie worth seeing….and it just so happens I had a good week working so there is ‘disposable’ (lol) income. Still hate to give a dime to the ultra liberal Hollywood machine, even indirectly.

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