Call this a buried lede:
Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo, D-Montgomery, is sponsoring the Protect Our Health and Communities Bill that would delay hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Western Maryland for the next eight years in order to provide more time to investigate health and environmental ramifications.
Eight years. How droll.
Moe Lane
PS: I dunno if the legislature can override Hogan’s inevitable veto… :click click click: …Maybe? Ask me again after we see how far this bill gets.
I am reminded of the Chinese government approach to things. “We will let you have your freedom but we need to research it carefully. Come back in 30 years.”
All I can think of is trash talking how ignorant and backward Maryland is.
Go ahead. I live here and there are a lot of reasons I’d love to bring sweet cleansing fire to the state.