This one is kind of speculative. I haven’t read Werewolf Cop yet, because somehow I didn’t get an review copy. …OK, to be fair, I’m not that big a dude in this scene for that. But surely Glenn Reynolds is, so Andrew Klavan should send over a copy to him at least. See? This is me being helpful. Anyway, I figure I’ll pick up an e-copy when the Amazon kitty refreshes next week, so I’ll let you know then how it reads.
And adieu, Tour de Lovecraft: The Tales. Good run.
Well, with a title like that, I think I have to read it, regardless of content.
#10 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Mystery > Supernatural > Werewolves & Shifters
I don’t know what to be more astounded by- the fact that this genre is popular enough for there to be a category for mystery books with werewolves and shifters in them or that the category’s best selling book is “Polar Bears are Forever.”
…I wonder if the polar bear book is any good.