I’m not even mad. Just… it’s just such a smallness, to be this kind of person.
I… refuse to say no to Oreo. If Oreos are wrong, I don’t want to be right. In fact, I’m going to go have two Oreos RIGHT NOW.
Moe Lane
PS: I cannot prove that only Communists hate Oreos enough to put their hatred in the Congressional Record, but I have my suspicions. Oh, yes. I have my suspicions…
Can’t believe we actually pay this goofball a salary to engage in such mind-numbing idiocy. Really? This is the most pressing thing he has to worry about right now? I haven’t had an Oreo in ages, but since I was just getting ready to head to the store, guess I’m now picking up a couple of packages on general principle.
Supposedly he’s protesting an Oreo factory relocation to Mexico, but his REAL problem is that I suspect that his staff hates him, and wants him to die in a grease fire.
He seems about as sharp as a baseball.
In other news, Oreos make incredible S’mores. S’moreos, I call them. Something to think about while you’re celebrating a life too important to fight against a junk-food manufacturer on a national stage.
Apparently he’s got a problem because some Nabisco spin-off company put keeping their company afloat over union jobs.
If you wanna play “what’s the missing word here”, the answer is Democrat, Boyle’s party affiliation.
My first thought was that he was protesting “white-acting” blacks.
Of all the places to play “Name That Party!” I would not have thought your blog was one.
Edit: “Now that’s just wrong, @RepBrendanBoyle (D-PA 13). Oreos? OREOS?”
Jove nods.