14 thoughts on “The Fallout 4 Launch trailer.”

    1. I think my favorite is still the original one, the humor was great… But I’ve played each of them. New Vegas really needed to wait on the first patch, that might be wise here, but I’ll probably still buy it Tuesday anyways.

      1. I’ll go with 2 myself. The lack of the doom clock helped as did the NPCs. I think New Reno might be one of the most memorable towns that I’ve ever been in an any CRPG.
        FYI- Fallout 1,2 and Tactics are $9.99 for a package of all 3 games on GoG right now. Well worth that price.

        1. Agree. The no-doom clock, allowing a truly open world, made Fallout 2 my favorite. I do prefer the isometric tactical, turn-based to the 1st person RT for combat in FO. And New Reno and Athkatla are my winners for 2 favorite RPG cities. Which might be why it and Baldur’s Gate 2 remain my favorite CRPGs.

      1. If you do get the value bin of FO/FO2, there’s a high-res patch around that will make it less buggy and look nicer with modern PCs.

  1. Well, I am happy to get you started sir! Check your paypal, there should be $6 there. Go buy Fallout 3. It will, if nothing else, be a good tutorial for Fallout 4…..

    1. Oh, Moe, if you are going to eventually get fallout 3 and play it, I highly recommend installing the Broken Steel DLC immediately – it bumps the level cap to 30, which IMO is what it should have been to begin with. The rest of the DLC ranges from great to terrible, although YMMV on those.

  2. I played Fallout 3 on Xbox360 and had great times. It’s funny that people that say they’ve played Fallout 3 also have to mention whether they blew up NukeTown on their first play through or not. It’s like view into a person’s soul so as to understand their latent personality. If you are new to Fallout then there is a good series on YouTube called, “The Storyteller: FALLOUT” by ShoddyCast that does a documentary style explanation of the Fallout lore.

      1. Played 3 (and New Vegas + DLCs) through several times, and have only blown up Megaton once….
        I … tend to let other people take the first swing, and until they do, I’m satisfied to live and let live.

  3. Played Fallout 1 & 2 back in the day. Made a character for Fallout 2 specifically to be a male p0rn star. Vaguely amusing.

    Bought Fallout 3 with DLC in the summer Steam sale, playing through it now. Seems decent. I’ll probably get Fallout 4 at some point, but nowhere near opening day.

  4. Fallout 4 would require a hardware upgrade for me, and .. that’s not in budget until late 2016 at the earliest.

    1. We’re talking about investing in a PS4, because the spiraling hardware requirements for PC gaming, as opposed to the basically static needs of my PC for everything else, is pretty much pricing us out of PC gaming for anything but Football Manager.

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