Flight of the Dino-Master!
I’m sure that the plan we’re about to talk about kind of worked on paper: after all super-villains are always creating all sorts of things or creatures that they’d then use to get revenge, take over the world, or become rich. So when Dino-Master (real name: Herbert Grant, verified Mad Scientist who managed to slip through the high school guidance counseling process) figured out how to create a Devolvo-Ray that would turn reptiles and birds into dinosaurs, he thought that he had something hot, here. Convert a zoo, have a rampage, everything would be great.
And it worked! He even managed to solve the mass problem (turning a chicken into a full-sized T-Rex is gonna require some special Mad Science, right there) with a handy protein slurry gun. So, all of a sudden, the countryside’s full of dinosaurs, ready to rampage! …Only, they’re not.
It’s amazing, actually. The dinosaurs are… friendly. The carnivores don’t have any interest in humans, the herbivores are remarkably docile, and they apparently domesticate at the drop of a hat. It’s unclear whether this is a part of the process, or whether ‘real’ dinosaurs would have been similarly amiable towards humans – but they are, and the process is apparently stable, and the public is pretty much going dinosaur-mad as we speak. Meat, hides, eggs, pack burdens, companionship… there’s a lot of money in these creatures. A LOT of money.
And that’s where the (super)heroes come in. Dino-Master has gone into hiding, possibly out of sheer chagrin; after all, from his point of view, this entire outcome was a horrible mistake. Which does not necessarily mean that he wants to correct it: after all, he obsessed over dinosaurs for a reason, right? But the heroes need to find him before he either changes his mind, or before any number of unsavory groups (including some legal ones) find him and makes him an offer that Dino-Master might not even want to refuse. Better that he take an offer from a savory group, right?
Sorry keyboard problem. There’s a geneticist in Canada who’s working on turning the genetic clock back on chickens because they walk like Raptors. My opinion is the chicken raptors will last up until they irritate the family cat or dog. At which point they will again become an extinct Chicken Raptor. There’s a reason they’re extinct after all. If raptors were still a viable evolutionary niche they would still exist.
I hope that they will look like this: http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/archives/comic/actual-pigeon-collection-avoidance-tactic
Yeah, but they need suits of plate mail.