Adventure Seed: The Background Theme of the Universe.

The Background Theme of the Universe

Well, this is awkward. You know about that ‘cosmic noise’ thing?  It’s this pervasive – as in, across the universe – sound that goes on above the 15 megahertz range; many scientists assumed that it was a relic of the Bing Bang, or something like that. Which it may very well be; however, we’ve been listening to it for about seventy years now, more or less, which has been barely enough time and sampling to give a suggestion that the sound has… purpose behind it.  

Essentially, the universe has a theme song.

The implications of this are… maddening the scientific community, honestly.  They can’t process the situation.  Many – the sanest, frankly – are simply rejecting the entire idea as being absurd, which is at least allowing them to continue to function. But for many other scientists the questions of “Who is responsible for this sound?” and “Why is there a soundtrack to the universe?” and “What purpose is this serving?” are leading them down an endless recursive loop of confusion and paralysis.  They cannot answer these questions. They will never be able to answer these questions, either… well, at least if a scientist sticks to the strictures of ‘regular’ science.  But those strictures aren’t helping us understand the Great Song, are they?!?  No! No, THEY ARE NOT!! But if prosaic science cannot help us, perhaps Inspired Science! will!! WHAT IS THIS??!? YOU CALL ME ‘MAD!??!!!” YOU BLIND FOOLS!!! I WILL SHOW YOU!!!! I’LL SHOW YOU ALL!!!!!

…And that’s when the authorities do the involuntary 72 hour observation thing – and, these days, the quiet removal of the newly-cackling scientist in question to any number of out-of-the-way facilities.  Turns out that our current state of chemistry and materials science can produce things that the 1950s would have called ‘Mad Science’ in a heartbeat; and mixing that with an obsessive and mildly deranged scientific mind can have… alarming… results. Sufficiently alarming that people aren’t quibbling too much; nobody’s melted down Gary, Indiana yet, but… well, nobody’s melted down Gary, Indiana yet.
Thank God for adventuring parties, huh?

4 thoughts on “Adventure Seed: The Background Theme of the Universe.”

  1. First I was reminded of the resident of the planet Krikkit who was singing to themselves a song which, if Paul McCartney had written it, would have allowed him to buy the world. Second, if Gary, Indiana melted down, it might actually improve the place, as long as it doesn’t take out I-90 or I-80-94 in the process.

    1. I was first reminded of Soul Music. For the almighty power cord, of course.
      But it’s also music with rocks in.

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