Messing about with my Flying Koala Discord channel.

:sardonically: Quiet morning, huh?

I’m spending part of it working on my Discord channel. And by working on it I mean ‘staring at the blessed thing.’ It feels like it could be useful, but I’m not sure exactly where, or how. Thoughts?

Moe Lane

PS: I want it to boost interest in my books, sell my books, and get good leads on local conventions and whatnot. So I want the Flying Koala Discord to be commerce-oriented without being annoying about it. I think this can be done.

The ‘Back to the Retro-Thirties’ BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER Amazon Prime trailer.

I ain’t gonna lie. I’m down for some 1930s-style Batman. Well, retro-1350s. And I’m down for that, too. I wanna watch BATMAN: CAPED CRUSADER, not some complicated discussion of American social systems during the Depression. That’s what Tumblr’s for.

Movie of the Week: TANGLED.

I don’t know how I got sucked into rewatching TANGLED. All I know is, that movie has absolutely no business being as good as it is. Seriously, if you’ve never watched it then you’re missing out. Also note that the cover image actually accurately promises you some of the stuff that happens in the movie itself. I know Disney’s quality has slipped, but this is firmly from a time period where that had not yet happened.

06/26/2024 Snippet, SEVEN FLAGS.

I may need to break this story in two parts, because it’s really a damned novella. Hell, I’m worried it’s a damned book.

“I’m wondering about the decanus,” Liza admitted to Jan afterward. They were back in Jan’s office, but this time they were drinking broth, not bourbon. “What’s her background?”

“Aside from the alchemy?” Jan chuckled. “Decanus Karen Blank used to be a damned rebel and guerrilla. The records say she’s killed everybody from overseers to Legionnaires. Even bagged a mage apprentice, once.” She sipped more broth. “She came in from the heat when we took Gallstone, and hanged every son of a bitch that her rebels didn’t see to themselves during the fighting.”

“So can we trust her?”

Jan gave her a steady look, over her cup. “‘Trust’ is one of those words that has a weird meaning in my line of work, Tribune. We need alchemists, and we were killing the same people at the end. It’s everything that happened before the end that’s the problem.” Jan’s mood got visibly heavier. “If somebody’s still holding a grudge over what we all did back then, God knows I can’t blame them.”

The Adorably Stupid RED ONE trailer.

I mean that as a compliment. I am absolutely down for an adorably stupid Christmas action movie, particularly when everybody in it has decided to go with the flow. I also want to know more about Santa Claus’s position vis-a-vis the US armed forces. Judging from the uniforms, obviously NORAD is all up in this business.

Via @zamoose.