It is a day of POTATOES!

I had two bags — one red, one white — and they were not quite elderly.  Yet.  So I took the white potatoes, quartered them up, salted, peppered and oiled them, and tossed them in the oven to bake at 375 degrees for an hour.  The red potatoes I half-heartedly tried to dice, then tossed them in the leftover olive oil;  I dumped the whole thing in a crockpot, added sweet paprika, lemon pepper, herbs de provence, butter, and will be cooking it on high for at least two and a half hours.  They won’t crisp up that way, I think — but my wife can probably hash brown ’em tomorrow and that’s all that I care about.


Recipe: Uncle Moe’s “Just add stuff until it works” Broiled Sliced Potatoes.

What you’ll need:

  • red potatoes that you bought last week for the pot roast and never cooked
  • red pepper that’s been in the vegetable drawer for two weeks but it looks OK
  • olive oil
  • the bag of shredded cheese that you keep in your fridge on general principles
  • the last two cooked sausages from a couple of days ago
  • onions.  Not that you can include them, because of dietary issues, but dammit there should be onions in this

Continue reading Recipe: Uncle Moe’s “Just add stuff until it works” Broiled Sliced Potatoes.

Tried the Steak and Potato Nachos again today.

Recipe found here: Steak and Potato Nachos.

The ‘mistake’ I made last time was to not use enough pans.  This time, I cooked the skirt steak on a cast-iron griddle, which meant that I didn’t smoke up the kitchen this time when I added the potatoes.  What I did instead, in fact, was to put the potatoes in the cast iron pot, add the steak on top and the cheese, then broil it — which I don’t remember if I did last time — until it was ready to go.  More dishes, but less potential emergencies, and my wife and I inhaled it just as readily as last time.

There’s still smoking going on, though.  I am considering next time to go with my original impulse to grill it outside.  Only problem there is that it’s a pain to use charcoal for just that one item, and no, we’re not getting a propane grill any time soon.  That’s an extravagance for us, frankly.

Still, yum.  No pictures, because, well.


Yes. It’s back:

I picked up the pumpkin spice Life cereal (which I actually wish was readily available year round) and the pumpkin spice cookies (which I imagine many people would concede is a perfectly reasonably thing to have with one’s coffee). I skipped the Keebler pumpkin spice fudge-frosted cookies, but not because they sounded awful. Nah, I skipped them because my metabolism isn’t what it used to be.

But it begins. Ah, yes, it begins. The spice must flow.

Tweet of the Day, Get Yer Smoked Brine Watermelon Ham Here! edition.

OK, let me explain why I’m not horrified.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, Get Yer Smoked Brine Watermelon Ham Here! edition.

I tried the Impossible Burger.

Verdict: the Impossible Burger does, in fact, taste and feel like meat.  I had mine well done, because I cannot eat burgers with pink in them, let along bloody*. But I understand that people can get theirs ‘bloody,’ if they like.  All in all, it did come across as a legitimate ground beef burger.  You’re not going to get ribeye out of this process any time soon, but it’d be all right for the aforementioned fast food industry.

Continue reading I tried the Impossible Burger.


I made that cherry [strawberry] pie again, only this time I put it in a chocolate graham cracker crust.  And since I had two crusts, I took the second one and made a no-cook chocolate Jello pudding pie.  Only for that one, I used heavy whipping cream instead of milk, just because I wanted to see what happens.

I have absolutely no idea what will happen.  It’s all very exciting!

TL9 Watch: Lab-grown meat, heh, grows apace.

The future’s coming:

A Dutch company that presented the world’s first lab-grown beef burger five years ago said Tuesday it has received funding to pursue its plans to make and sell artificially grown meat to restaurants from 2021. Mosa Meat said it raised 7.5 million euros ($8.8 million), mainly from M Ventures and Bell Food Group. M Ventures is an investment vehicle for German pharmaceuticals company Merck KGaA. Bell Food is a European meat processing company based in Switzerland.

Continue reading TL9 Watch: Lab-grown meat, heh, grows apace.