Gonna be a quiet Fourth of July itself.

All of our stuff is going on for the weekend, because the Fourth itself is on a Wednesday. So it’s gonna be nice and quiet, tomorrow. I should marinate the chicken and the steaks for the grill tonight, though. The steaks in question were bought because they were approaching their sell-by: anybody with thoughts on how to minimize the consequences of that? Small sirloin grilling steaks, if that matters.

And happy Fourth of July, if I don’t say so tomorrow.

Quote of the Day, Thank God It’s The Future edition.

From a 2017 Reason article on the cocktail:

…in the Dark Ages [the 1950s to 1990s – ML], proper cocktails were an obscure pastime for a tiny band of hobbyists, most of whom were, like 11th century monks, protecting what few scraps of imperfect knowledge remained.

It’s a fascinating article. Basically, cocktails were great, in ways that we have difficulty realizing. Until Prohibition, when most of the knowledge died and cocktails became something that you used to hide how horrible the booze was.  And then it never got better, until booze nerds started cracking the books and recreating the entire culinary-artistic movement.  And now I want a proper Old Fashioned, so I’m going to say it was also a successful article.

Via Ed Driscoll.

What do I do with a big bag of salted unshelled peanuts?

I bought a bag of ’em to feed to ravens, but I’m told that I should have gotten the unsalted kind.  Apparently, this is bad for birds, because of too much salt or something like that.  Personally, I am dubious, but I am also not any sort of naturalist; I just wanted to have some corvids over in the morning while I’m having my coffee.

Anyway: aside from eating two pounds of salted peanuts over the course of the next couple of weeks, is there anything else I could be doing to the blessed things?

‘Sensational No Tomato Sauce Spaghetti.’ (Modified)

Yeah, it’s been that kind of day.  I used this recipe (“Sensational No Tomato Sauce Spaghetti“), only swapping out Romano cheese for Parmesan and using celery seeds instead of garlic.  Can’t feed my wife garlic anymore, you see.  And yes, she’s unhappy about that, too.

Oh, and I mixed in the bacon with the sauce instead of sprinkling it on top afterwards.  I have no idea what difference that will make. Guess we’ll see!

Tweet of the Day, @Munchies Cries Uncle edition.

Time to ease up, I think.

Continue reading Tweet of the Day, @Munchies Cries Uncle edition.

Adventures in Cookery: Meat Pies!

Threw one together today: leftover turkey sausage*; cut-up apple, onion, and red pepper (all microwaved for fast-and-dirty softening); a fairly generic savory spice mix; and leftover shredded cheese.  It all went into one of the roll-up pie crusts that have been in my fridge for something else that didn’t happen; fifteen minutes at 450 degrees, and pull it out. Continue reading Adventures in Cookery: Meat Pies!

Throwing together a homemade mac-and-cheese, and the question arose:

ground mustard?  I decided not to add some, but was a fairly tough call.  The cheese sauce was made on the incremental method: start the roux, add milk every time it looked like it was going to clump up, then start adding cheddar cheese until everything looked about right.  I put in some pepper, and some salt, and then some more salt after my wife noted that it could use some more — and then she brought up mustard, and I kind of had to stop and think about it at that point.

The problem was the complication it offered, you see.  I was already possessed of a pretty good cheese sauce and we’re doing a catch-as-catch-can dinner because I forgot to defrost the pork chops last night.  Mustard might punch it up, or knock it out.  I decided to be pragmatic and not roll the dice.

Still: thoughts?