I told you all back in JANUARY: “I’m starting to think that the only real solution here is to have Marvel and/or Disney invade Fox, conquer it, and annex outright the F4 and X-Men properties.”  And, do you know what happened?  I WAS RIGHT.  It’s looking like a done deal (Via Allahpundit): Marvel/Disney is going to acquire 20th Century Fox as soon as the lawyers finish doing… whatever it is that they do.

And after that, geez, Marvel/Disney gets the one thing that they needed to keep the MCU interesting for the next ten years: new superheroes and villains that aren’t derivative of the original ones. They’re not going to have to scrape the bottom of the barrel; in fact, they already have.  Marvel did the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Freaking-Man because the Fantastic Four and the X-Men had already been sold.  Funny how that worked out, huh?


The ‘Alita: Battle Angel’ trailer.

Haven’t read this particular anime, but: I like the look of Alita: Battle Angel. It has a hard-to-define arua about it that suggests that there may be actual thought behind the film. Or possibly I’m just being seduced by the appearance of actual sunlight in a cyberpunk movie?  Dear God, can we handle this brazen confounding of tradition?

Don’t get me wrong. Blade Runner‘s aesthetic dominated for a reason. But we know that every director out there’s seen Tears in Rain.  Sometimes, let there be natural lighting.

Warner Bros.’ Jon Berg expiates dishonor for Justice League.

Jon Berg’s the guy who was keeping an eye on the production of the DCEU on behalf of Warner Bros. And he’s been removed.


Jon Berg, co-president of production at Warner Bros. Pictures, will leave his post at the studio to become a producer with filmmaker Roy Lee, who has produced successful movies for the studio including “It” and “The Lego Movie.” Berg, who ran point on DC movies and was credited as a producer on “Justice League,” has been an executive at the studio for about a decade. Toby Emmerich, president of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, said it was Berg’s decision to step down.

Continue reading Warner Bros.’ Jon Berg expiates dishonor for Justice League.

The ‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ trailer.

I have no real objection to this series as a series besides the fact that I never particularly got into any of them after the first Jurassic Park. I just think that the people running the planet in that universe should not be allowed to go out into the rain. Personally, if it was up to me I’d drop thermobaric bombs on that island until it was flat; let’s see if life can find a way around having its lungs pulled out of its chest, a la World War Z (the book).

But this looks all right, for what it is.

Are you ready for a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek?

Me neither.

Director Quentin Tarantino (Pulp FictionThe Hateful Eight) has an idea for a new Star Trek movie and J.J. Abrams (Star Trek BeyondStar Wars: The Force Awakens) is putting together a writers room for the project, according to Deadline. Sources say that Tarantino told his idea to Abrams, and writers will be gathered to work on the idea. If it comes to fruition, Tarantino could direct with Abrams producing at Paramount. There is currently no confirmation on the Star Trek movie idea from Paramount or from Tarantino.

Continue reading Are you ready for a Quentin Tarantino Star Trek?

I was going to ask whether anybody had seen ‘Darkest Hour’ yet…

…but apparently the answer’s probably going to be ‘no:’ Darkest Hour’s only showing in four theaters. I can only assume that the idea is to get it in early as Oscar-bait before it gets a wider release in a week. Welp. Guess I’m gonna go see Coco on Monday, then.  Which isn’t exactly a hardship, but movie release strategies remain bemusing for me.

The ‘Avengers: Infinity War Trailer Reaction Mashup’ video.

And I got sent this via email by Constant Reader BigGator5*:


Come, I will conceal nothing from you: the that bit with Peter Parker’s Spider-Sense FINALLY manifesting?  Yeah, I was totally down with that. Just like everybody in that video, apparently.

Moe Lane

*It’s been a long day, unfortunately. Both kids had to stay home from school; one was upchucking and the other was looking like he was considering it.  I once ignored the warning signs, in a similar situation.  Once.