Apparently Blade Runner 2049… is good?

89/86 on Rotten Tomatoes is pretty dang good, in fact. I will admit: I was worried about Blade Runner 2049.  This has not been the best couple of years for sequels and/or reboots. But a sampling of the reviews suggests that the movie isn’t going to make me want to throw something at the wall.

Of course, I should probably watch the original version agai… HA!  I’m sorry, I’m sorry.  I simply couldn’t help myself.  “Original version,” forsooth!

Moe Lane

PS: Betcha it doesn’t age well, though.

The ‘Future Man’ trailer.

My wife feels that this is an extremely cynical TV concept: the people making Future Man realize that we’re all happy to complain about reboots and remakes and whatnot, but we still watch them.  So why not lampshade it?  And this absolutely lampshades it:

I mean, it name-checks The Last Starfighter.  They’re absolutely leaning into the criticism. It’s rather invigorating, really. Then again, I’m the nostalgia-target here, so maybe you should take it into account.

The Marvel’s Runaways trailer.

I keep asking myself about whether maybe I should pick up Hulu. It does have stuff that I want to see. Maybe what I really want is an all-streaming network service where Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, and a couple smaller streamers offered me a bulk deal on all of them.  Hey!  They could also bundle in the Big Three networks.

Yes, I know that I’m describing cable television.  The thing is, I don’t need sixty million channels and I don’t even need sixty. I’d like the three network channels, the three I’ve just mentioned, and I guess Fox/CW. And a stream-only version of PBS. Everything else is ‘meh.’ Continue reading The Marvel’s Runaways trailer.

SPOON! …The Tick returns in February.

February 23rd, 2018, to be exact.  I ended up binge-watching the first half of The Tick, after all; or at least I slammed two or three episodes at a time.  I’m probably going to watch the second half in one fell swoop, because I really really want to see evil impact Destiny, and bounce.  I am adamant about this, in fact.  There has to be a particular payoff, and those of you who have watched the first half probably can guess what I think that it should be.  While embracing the superior ethos and moral sense of the Tick himself, of course*.

Can’t wait.

Moe Lane

*We are not really required to take the Tick entirely seriously, but nothing I’ve seen so far suggests that we are to take him lightly.